Rancher Desktop Windows: Simplifying Kubernetes Development

What is Rancher Desktop?

Rancher Desktop is a free and open-source application that brings the power of Kubernetes and container management directly to your Rancher Desktop Windows.

It provides a user-friendly interface and simplifies the process of setting up a local Kubernetes environment, making it ideal for developers and IT professionals working with containerized applications.

Here’s a breakdown of the key components:

  • Kubernetes: An open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  • Containers: Lightweight, self-contained software units that package code and its dependencies together.

Essentially, Rancher Desktop allows you to run Kubernetes and manage containers on your Windows machine, enabling you to:

  • Develop and test containerized applications locally: Simulate a production environment for your containerized apps before deploying them to the cloud or on-premises infrastructure.
  • Learn and experiment with Kubernetes: Get hands-on experience with Kubernetes concepts and commands in a controlled environment.
  • Increase development agility: Build, test, and iterate on containerized applications faster without needing complex infrastructure setup.
Benefits of Using Rancher Desktop on Windows
Benefits of Using Rancher Desktop on Windows

Benefits of Using Rancher Desktop Windows

Running Kubernetes on Windows can be challenging due to the underlying architecture. Rancher Desktop eliminates these complexities by providing several key benefits:

  • Easy Kubernetes Setup: Forget about manual configuration and managing dependencies. Rancher Desktop takes care of setting up and running a Kubernetes cluster with just a few clicks.
  • Lightweight and Efficient: Runs on top of Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2), leveraging existing resources without requiring a dedicated virtual machine.
  • Flexible Configuration: Choose the Kubernetes version that aligns with your development needs and select your preferred container runtime (e.g., containerd, Docker).
  • Simplified Management: Manage your Kubernetes cluster through a user-friendly graphical interface, visualize deployments, pods, and other resources.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrates with existing development tools and workflows, allowing you to build and manage containerized applications efficiently.
  • Open Source and Customizable: Built on open-source technologies, offering transparency and the ability to customize configurations for advanced users.

By leveraging Rancher Desktop, Windows developers can enjoy the benefits of containerization and Kubernetes development without needing to switch operating systems or deal with complex infrastructure setups.

System Requirements

Before diving into Rancher Desktop on Windows, let’s ensure your system meets the following requirements:

Windows Version Compatibility:

Rancher Desktop is compatible with various Windows 10 versions, but for optimal performance and stability, it’s recommended to use:

  • Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise (version 1909 or later): While the Home edition is technically supported, Pro and Enterprise versions offer additional features that enhance the overall experience.

Hardware Requirements:

While Rancher Desktop is lightweight, having sufficient resources ensures smooth operation. Here’s a breakdown of the recommended hardware specifications:

  • Processor (CPU): An Intel or AMD processor with virtualization capabilities (VT-x for Intel, AMD-V for AMD). This allows WSL 2 to run efficiently and leverage hardware resources for container workloads.
  • Memory (RAM): Minimum of 8 GB RAM is recommended. More RAM allows for running multiple containers and complex workloads without performance bottlenecks.
  • Storage: Sufficient disk space to accommodate the Rancher Desktop application itself and the virtual machine used for the Kubernetes cluster. Aim for at least 64 GB of free space.

Configuration Options in Rancher Desktop

Rancher Desktop offers a user-friendly interface to customize your local Kubernetes environment. Let’s explore the key configuration options:

1. Choosing a Kubernetes Version:

Rancher Desktop provides flexibility by allowing you to select the Kubernetes version that best suits your development needs. Here’s how to choose:

  • Access the Preferences: Open the Rancher Desktop application and click on the gear icon (⚙) in the top right corner to access “Preferences”.
  • Navigate to the “Kubernetes” Tab: Within the Preferences window, locate the “Kubernetes” tab.
  • Select the Desired Version: A dropdown menu will display available Kubernetes versions. Choose the version your project requires or that aligns with your learning objectives.

2. Selecting a Container Runtime:

Rancher Desktop allows you to pick your preferred container runtime environment:

  • Container Runtime Explained: The container runtime is responsible for managing the lifecycle of containers, including downloading images, creating and starting containers, and handling network configurations.
  • Available Options: Rancher Desktop typically offers two choices:
    • containerd: A lightweight and production-grade container runtime that integrates seamlessly with Kubernetes.
    • Docker: A popular container runtime with a vast ecosystem of tools and resources.

Choosing between containerd and Docker depends on your preference:

  • containerd: Ideal if you prioritize a lightweight footprint and tight integration with Kubernetes.
  • Docker: A good choice if you’re already familiar with the Docker ecosystem and its suite of tools for managing images and containers.

3. Allocating Resources for the Virtual Machine (VM):

Since Rancher Desktop leverages WSL 2, you can allocate resources dedicated to the virtual machine running the Kubernetes cluster. Here’s how:

  • Access Preferences: Open the Rancher Desktop application and navigate to “Preferences” as explained earlier.
  • Locate the “Resources” Tab: Look for the “Resources” tab within the Preferences window.
  • Adjust Memory and CPU: Sliders or text input fields will allow you to define the amount of memory (RAM) and CPU cores dedicated to the virtual machine. It’s recommended to strike a balance between allocating sufficient resources for smooth operation and not overprovisioning, which could impact your Windows system’s performance.

4. Resetting Configurations to Defaults:

Rancher Desktop provides a convenient option to reset configurations back to their default settings:

  • Access Preferences: Navigate to “Preferences” through the gear icon as described previously.
  • Locate the Reset Button: Look for a button labeled “Reset” or “Reset Kubernetes” within the Preferences window.

Caution:  Resetting configurations will erase any custom settings you’ve made, including Kubernetes version, container runtime choice, and allocated resources. Use this option with caution, ideally after backing up any relevant configurations if needed.

Using Rancher Desktop: A Hands-on Guide

Rancher Desktop empowers you to manage containerized applications locally. Let’s delve into its core functionalities:

1. Building, Pulling, and Pushing Container Images:

  • Building Images: Rancher Desktop integrates with container build tools like Docker or buildah (containerd’s build tool). You can write Dockerfiles or buildah configurations to create custom container images specific to your needs. Refer to the respective tool’s documentation for detailed instructions.
  • Pulling Images: Leverage the familiar docker pull command (if using Docker runtime) or nerdctl pull (for containerd) within a terminal window to download pre-built container images from public repositories like Docker Hub.
  • Pushing Images: Once you’ve built a custom image, you can push it to a container registry using docker push or nerdctl push commands, allowing you to share your image with others or deploy it to a production environment.

2. Running Containerized Applications:

  • Running Containers: Use commands like docker run or nerdctl run (depending on your chosen runtime) to initiate container instances based on existing images. You can specify additional parameters to configure network ports, environment variables, and storage volumes for your containers.
  • Managing Running Containers: Rancher Desktop provides a visual interface to view and manage running containers. You can stop, restart, or view logs for your containerized applications.

3. Managing Kubernetes Clusters using the GUI:

Rancher Desktop offers a user-friendly graphical interface for interacting with your local Kubernetes cluster:

  • Cluster Overview: Access a central dashboard that displays the overall health and status of your Kubernetes cluster, including the number of nodes, pods, and deployments.
  • Visualizing Deployments and Pods: View detailed information about deployments (configurations for running containerized applications) and pods (instances of containers managed by Kubernetes). You can see the number of replicas running, their resource usage, and overall health.
  • Creating and Managing Resources: Utilize the GUI to create new deployments, define services (expose containerized applications), and manage configurations for your Kubernetes cluster.

4. Using kubectl commands within the WSL 2 environment (Optional):

kubectl is the command-line tool for interacting with Kubernetes clusters. While Rancher Desktop’s GUI simplifies management, experienced users can leverage kubectl commands within the WSL 2 terminal for more granular control.

  • Accessing the WSL 2 Terminal: Launch the WSL 2 terminal by searching for your Linux distribution (e.g., Ubuntu) in the Windows Start menu.
  • Using kubectl Commands: Once inside the WSL 2 terminal, you can utilize kubectl commands to manage deployments, pods, services, and other Kubernetes resources. Refer to the official kubectl documentation https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/ for a comprehensive list of commands and usage examples.

Remember: Using kubectl commands directly requires familiarity with Kubernetes concepts and command syntax. It’s an optional step for advanced users who prefer a more command-line-oriented approach.


Rancher Desktop for Windows is a game-changer for developers looking to streamline their Kubernetes development workflow.

By providing a simple, intuitive interface for managing Kubernetes clusters locally, Rancher Desktop empowers developers to focus on building and testing their applications without getting bogged down by complex setup processes.

Whether you’re a seasoned Kubernetes expert or just getting started with container orchestration, Rancher Desktop is a valuable tool that can help you take your development process to the next level.


What is Rancher Desktop for Windows?

Rancher Desktop is a tool designed to simplify the development and deployment of Kubernetes-based applications on Windows operating systems. It provides an easy-to-use interface for managing Kubernetes clusters and associated resources.

How does Rancher Desktop differ from other Kubernetes solutions for Windows?

Rancher Desktop offers a user-friendly graphical interface specifically tailored for Windows users, streamlining the process of setting up and managing Kubernetes clusters. It provides a seamless experience for developers working on Windows machines.

What are the system requirements for running Rancher Desktop on Windows?

Rancher Desktop requires a Windows 10 operating system with Hyper-V enabled. Additionally, it’s recommended to have at least 4GB of RAM and sufficient disk space for running Kubernetes clusters and associated workloads.

Is Rancher Desktop free to use?

Yes, Rancher Desktop is open-source software and free to use. It’s provided under the Apache License 2.0, allowing users to download, modify, and distribute the software as needed.

Can Rancher Desktop be used for production environments?

While Rancher Desktop is primarily designed for development and testing purposes, it can be used in production environments with proper configurations and considerations. However, it’s important to consult the Rancher documentation and best practices for deploying Kubernetes in production scenarios.

How do I install Rancher Desktop on my Windows machine?

Installation instructions for Rancher Desktop on Windows can be found on the official Rancher website or GitHub repository. Typically, it involves downloading the installer package and following the step-by-step installation wizard.

Can I run multiple Kubernetes clusters simultaneously with Rancher Desktop?

Yes, Rancher Desktop supports the creation and management of multiple Kubernetes clusters simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for testing applications across different environments or for experimenting with various Kubernetes configurations.

Is Rancher Desktop compatible with other Rancher products and services?

Yes, Rancher Desktop seamlessly integrates with other Rancher products and services, such as Rancher Server and Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE). This integration enables a cohesive workflow for managing Kubernetes clusters across different environments.

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